Privacy Policy

Newsletter signups

You'll only be sent our email newsletter if you've filled in the mailchimp newsletter signup form, signed up as a member to the club, or ticked the 'Sign up to our mailing list' box on our contact forms. You can unsubscribe through the mechanism on the emails (unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email) or by getting in touch with us using the contact form.

This information (your email address) is not (and will not be) shared with any third party.


The information collected when becoming a member is used solely for administrative reasons by the club. It won't be used for marketing (other than adding your email to our newsletter). We may contact you with important information regarding your membership or the club, but general day to day communication will be on Matrix.

If you cancel your membership, unless otherwise requested, we'll keep your details on file to make re-applying easier (and will delete all information after 12 months if you aren't back in touch).

None of this information is shared with any third parties.


Other than our mailchimp integration, no tracking cookies or third parties (advertising or otherwise) are used on the website.